deminy 在 周一, 2006-11-27 07:54 提交
提案汇报 (proposal)
2006-04-xx: Chatterjee, Samidh
2006-05-08: Das, Augustus Kuman
(Curve Reconstruction Based on The Relative Neighbourhood Graph)
2006-10-18: Lin, Tianbing
(Gene Ontology Based MicroArray Clustering)
答辩 (defense)
2005-10-13: Balagondar, Archana
(Mesh Compression: Theory & Practice)
2006-05-24: Chatterjee, Samidh
(On Some Geometric Optimization Problems)
2007-01-09: Das, Augustus Kuman
(Curve Reconstruction Based on The Relative Neighbourhood Graph)
[补充说明1] 本文数据整理于2006-11-13 12:41。
2006-04-xx: Chatterjee, Samidh
2006-05-08: Das, Augustus Kuman
(Curve Reconstruction Based on The Relative Neighbourhood Graph)
2006-10-18: Lin, Tianbing
(Gene Ontology Based MicroArray Clustering)
答辩 (defense)
2005-10-13: Balagondar, Archana
(Mesh Compression: Theory & Practice)
2006-05-24: Chatterjee, Samidh
(On Some Geometric Optimization Problems)
2007-01-09: Das, Augustus Kuman
(Curve Reconstruction Based on The Relative Neighbourhood Graph)
[补充说明1] 本文数据整理于2006-11-13 12:41。
deminy 在 周一, 2006-03-13 14:33 提交
1. Ding, N,同学。2005-06-30于East Lansing, MI(东兰辛,密歇根州)。
2/3. Wang, DaHai/Guo, Hong夫妇,前温莎朋友。2005-09-03和2005-10-01于Rochester Hills, MI(罗切斯特山,密歇根州)。
4/5. Ding, ZM/Zhu, XH夫妇,长辈。2006-02-07于East Lansing, MI(东兰辛,密歇根州)。
6. Yang, X, 川大师妹。2006-03-14于Saginaw, MI(密歇根州)。近6年未曾见面。(此记录添加于2006-03-15 00:16:53)
7/8. Wang, Jenn, Fang, L,中学同级3班同学。2006-04-29于Ann Arbor, MI(安娜堡,密歇根州)。约10年零8个月未曾见面。(此记录添加于2006-04-30 19:10:20)
9. Zhu, F, 高中同学。2006-05-28于Fremont, CA(加州)。近11年未曾见面。(此记录添加于2006-06-08 20:28:58)
10. Luo, H,大学师兄。2007-01-01于Detroit, MI(底特律,密歇根州)。约8年半未曾见面。(此记录添加于2007-01-03 04:26:01)
11. ?
[补充说明1] 本名单只列举故旧。
[补充说明2] 本文不断更新中。
[补充说明3] 本文业已过期。如欲阅读本文最新版本,请访问deminy个人百科中《我在美国见到的前100位故旧》一文。2007-07-14 12:57:58